As of December 2020, app-based receipe books have been around for over 10 years. But there is one app that was the watershed in terms of showing everyone else how to do it. This was Jamie Oliver’s 20 Minute Meals, and it offered sixty receipes, each with step-by-step photography, and all deliverable from shopping bag to table in just 20 minutes. For those savvy with new technology and unsure of themselves in the kitchen (which was and continues to be a big market segment), this approach was a godsend. Following launch in October 2009, OPliver’s app became the biggest grossing Apple app of all time in just a small number of weeks. As food programming, chef celebrity and Instagram all became ascendant, the same, largely young demographic, were all keen to get things right – again the photo-based instructional app was the saviour of many midweek meals and the springboard for a thousand Insta profiles.
Many photographic instructional apps have followed, and this spicy, Spanish-inspired dish comes from The Photo Cookbook app available on the Apple App Store.

Chorizo, chilli and chickpea casserole
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 1 onion, sliced
- 1 large yellow pepper, deseeded and sliced
- 1 garlic clove, crushed
- 1 tsp chilli flakes
- 225g chorizo sausage, chopped
- 400g canned chopped tomatoes
- 400g canned chickpeas, drained
- 200g basmati rice
- Handful of rocket leaves
- Sea salt and freshly ground pepper
- 4 tbsp roughly chopped fresh basil to garnish
Heat the oil in a casserole or large saucepan. Add the onions and cook on medium for 5 mins until softened. Add the garlic, peppers and chilli flakes and cook for a further 2 mins.
Stir in the chorizo, tomatoes and chickpeas. Bring to the boil, cover and simmer for 10 mins.
Serve with steamed basmati rice and garnish with the fresh basil.
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