This is an interesting cocktail. It was dreamed up in 2014 by Simon Difford of the Cabinet Room, who claims to have mixed more cocktails than any man alive. This is not bad for a man who once sold double glazing.

Simon Difford mixing in the Cabinet Room
The odd thing about the Gin Colheita is that it was designed to be paired with a beef canapé at the 2014 EBLEX Quality Standard Mark Excellence Awards event for beef and lamb. You can get the recipe for the canapés at Simply Beef and Lamb, but they are quite time consuming. I don’t think there is any shame in popping a pack of beef-flavoured crisps to have with your Gin Colheita.
When I made this for the blog, it was a chilly autumn day, and it struck me that the Gin Colheita was very ‘right’ for the season. In fact, I think this is going to be an excellent drink to wheel out at Christmas time.
Gin Colheita
- 50ml dry London gin
- 25ml colheita madeira
- 10ml freshly squeezed lemon juice
- 15ml grenadine
- Twist of lemon peel
Put the ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice and 'throw' the drink from one vessel to another a couple of times.
Strain into a chilled glass.
Garnish with the lemon peel.
Grenadine can be swapped for pomegranate syrup. Difford suggests using the best madeira you can, and specifies Rutte gin. That is great, and all that, but you can enjoy a Gin Colheita with some Tanqueray and a shot of Blandy's.
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