

Il Bombardino (The Bomb) was invented in an Italian ski resort. The tale goes that a former soldier in the Italian alpine corps opened a ski lodge in Lombardia. In a spell of biblically bad weather four skiers sought refuge from the cold, asking for something to warm them up. The old soldier mixed warm zabaglione with brandy and served it to his chilly guests. One of them is said to have exclaimed:

“Accidenti! È una bomba!”

… which translates to “Damn! It is a bomb!”

Modern versions use egg liqueur in place of the zabaglione, as it is an awful lot easier to prepare the drink that way. Some recipes say this is 50:50 brandy and advocaat, but most original looking ones say it is more like a 1:2 ratio.


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By Crystal Ski Serves: 1
Cooking Time: 5 mins


  • 40ml brandy
  • 80ml Warnick's Advocaat or Zabov Zabaglione egg liqueur
  • Whipped cream (squirty cream from a can will do)
  • Ground cinnamon



Gently warm the egg liqueur in a pan, but do not boil it. Pour the brandy into a glass mug. Pour over the warm eggy stuff and stir. Pipe in the whipped cream and sprinkle with cinnamon.

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Nancy Ingham
    16/12/2020 at 8:26 pm

    All the Bombardinos I’ve ever had whilst skiing in Italy (need the Dutch courage for those blacks and icy reds) have also had a shot of espresso in too.

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