The Greyhound appears to have been named after the US Greyhound bus company. Back in the day (around 1945), the Greyhound company ran a series of restaurants at their termini under the name ‘Post House.’ Vodka and grapefruit juice was served there, really as a variation on the classic Screwdriver.

Adding Campari and soda to a Greyhound gives you the slightly more complex Red Greyhound.
Before drinking a Greyhound, make damn are you are not on any medication metabolised via cytochrome P540 3A4. Also note that the vodka is completely undetectable in in this simple mixer cocktail, so you can get properly hammered on these with no effort whatsoever.
- 60ml Russian Standard vodka
- Pink grapefruit juice
Fill a highball glass with ice. Pour in the vodka and grapefruit. Stir and garnish with some citrus.
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